Monday, March 18, 2013

365 days and counting...

So, it happened- Christian and I got married (a year ago!)!

That's right. Yesterday was our one year anniversary. In addition to the anniversary/wedding themed treats over the weekend, a leprechaun brought additional treats for St. Patrick's day, and I have eaten more sugar in the last few days than should be allowed. 

I have to say though, it has been a good year. We got to go explore NYC for our honeymoon and see a couple shows on Broadway. We had lots of good times with Christian's family while living in their basement. My family got to come out to Maryland to visit for our East Coast wedding open house, which was wonderful. Christian started going to school for heating and air conditioning, and has been doing very well there. I moved to a new lab group, which has been very good for me, despite the fact that I am now working on the opposite of what I intended to study when I was coming in to grad school... We also found a great apartment closer to both of our schools, and we are working day by day to be happy and enjoy our life together!

p.s. We're going to try to be better about this whole blog business. By that, I mean that we should have at least one more post between now and next St. Patrick's day. *fingers crossed!*